Undergraduate Advising

The department offers several advising resources to help undergraduates navigate the major, concentration, and joint majors. 

For questions about program requirements and registration, please, email the Academic Affairs Coordinator.

Beatrice Montano and Zara Riaz are advanced Ph.D. students who advise undergraduates in the department. They can approve transfer credit and course substitutions, help with course selection, and review requirements fulfillment.

Zoom links for office hours are provided by email to the pols-un listserv. Please observe that advisers may be speaking with another student when you enter the waiting room and will open your meeting as soon as they are available.

Please fill in the relevant Planning Form before you meet with the advisor so that you can both communicate more effectively.

You may also email [email protected] to arrange an appointment outside of regular office hours.

The Academic Affairs Coordinator is the first point of contact for information about any aspect of the department's majors and concentrations, including requirements, the honors program, prizes, and awards. The Academic Affairs Coordinator participates in program certification and assists students with registration questions and concerns.

The Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Shigeo Hirano, oversees the department's undergraduate programs. He is available during his office hours and by appointment. While students should first seek advising from the undergraduate advisers or Academic Affairs Coordinator, they will refer students in exceptional situations to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Students may request a formal advising relationship with a member of the department's faculty. To request a faculty adviser, students should complete a Faculty Adviser Request Form during the first three weeks of the semester. Faculty availability may vary to accommodate sabbaticals and teaching schedules, so the department cannot guarantee the availability of specific professors in future semesters.

Students who have been assigned a faculty adviser may consult that adviser for academic planning and support but still must see one of the graduate student undergraduate advisers for course approval, planning form updates, and guidance regarding departmental requirements and regulations.

Economics-Political Science Adviser 
Economics-Political Science majors may consult Professor Carlo Prato during his office hours and by appointment. Economics-Political Science majors should also consult an Undergraduate Adviser for program planning and planning form approval.

Political Science-Statistics Adviser 
Political Science-Statistics majors may consult Professor Andrew Gelman during his office hours and by appointment. Political Science-Statistics majors should also consult an Undergraduate Adviser for program planning and planning form approval.

Students may contact any professor for academic advice during his or her office hours or by appointment. Faculty members may provide advice about graduate school and careers, research, course selection, and other academic issues. However, any matters related to department regulations and requirements, major certification, course approvals, or transfer credit should be discussed with an undergraduate adviser or the Academic Affairs Coordinator.