Course Number Key
The department's course number scheme helps students identify at a glance the level, type, and subfield of a particular course.
Prefixes and course levels
The prefix and first digit of the course number indicates the level of the course.
- UN: courses numbered 1000-3999 are for undergraduates only
- GU: mixed level courses numbered 4000-4999 are open to both undergraduates and graduate students
- GR: courses numbered 5000-9999 are for graduate students
Undergraduates may register for courses designated with a GR prefix by following the instructions for cross-registration.
Course numbers and subfields
Course distribution requirements for both undergraduate and graduate political science programs include depth and breadth with regard to subfields in the discipline. With the exception of undergraduate seminars, the second digit of course numbers indicates the subfield of the course content. Undergraduate seminars are numbered in the UN39xx series, with the third digit indicating subfield.
Number scheme for UN lecture courses
- X1XX: political theory
- X2XX: American politics
- X5XX: comparative politics
- X6XX: international relations
- X7XX: methodology
Number scheme for undergraduate seminars
Undergraduate seminars are numbered "UN 39xx." The third digit of the course number indicates subfield.
- All sections of 3911 are seminars in political theory.
- All sections of 3921 are seminars in American politics.
- All sections of 3951 3952 are seminars in comparative politics.
- All sections of 3961 3962 are seminars in international relations.
Number scheme for GU and GR courses
For courses numbered GU4000-4999 and GR5000-9999, the second digit indicates subfield as follows:
- X1XX: political theory
- X2XX: American politics
- X4XX: comparative politics
- X7XX: methodology (see further detail about the scheme for methods courses below)
- X8XX: international relations
Number scheme for graduate field survey courses
All graduate field surveys are numbered at the 6000 level, and are the only 6000-level courses the department offers.
- GR 6101: Issues in Political Theory
- GR 6210-6211: Issues and Debates in American Politics
- GR 6411-6412: Comparative Politics Survey I and II
- GR 6801: Theories of International Relations
Number scheme for methodology courses
Methods courses may be offered as UN, GU, or GR courses at any level. Their second digit is 7. The third digit in the course number indicates the type of methodology covered in the course.
- X70X: basic tools (math and methods of inquiry)
- X71X: introductory statistics
- X73X: game theory
- X76X: applied empirical methods
- X78X: qualitative methods
- X79X: advanced statistics