Ph.D. Placement

Graduates of the PhD program obtain teaching positions at colleges and universities throughout the US and abroad, as well as research and staff positions in government, business, and organizations such as the American Enterprise Institute, the Asia Society, the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs, and the International Monetary Fund.

The department holds information sessions on the academic job market twice each year, with the fall meeting oriented toward students who are on the market that year, and the spring meeting oriented toward students preparing for the next year’s market (or students earlier in their graduate career who want to start to get a sense of the process). These sessions typically engage faculty members or graduates of the program who have recently been through the job market themselves. Individual preparation for the job market occurs through mentoring by a student’s adviser and dissertation committee. The department also helps students schedule practice job talks, which are attended by both students and faculty.

GSAS Compass helps doctoral and master’s students in the Arts and Sciences to identify, work toward, and achieve their post-graduation career goals. Compass creates an inclusive culture that fosters exploration, nurtures diverse interests, and assists in preparing GSAS students for a range of careers that are well suited to their individual skills, interests, values, and personalities. 

Please click here for a list of initial positions obtained by graduates of the department since 2012.