Dr. Davit Sahakyan is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of International Political Economy at Columbia University.
Professor Sahakyan holds a PhD from the University of Trento (Trento, Italy) and an MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK) in the field of IPE. He specializes in north-south economic relations. His current research is centered on how the countries of the global south can enhance their bargaining positions vis-à-vis developed northern countries in regional and bilateral trade negotiations.
Selected publications:
Sahakyan, Davit (2019). “Canada’s Trade Policy Developments after NAFTA: Sources and Implications.” Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (6): 1292-1309.
Sahakyan, Davit (2016). “EU Trade Policy Responses to the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements in Latin America and East and Southeast Asia.” Politics & Policy 44 (1): 74-96.
Sahakyan, Davit (2016). “Reassessing North-South Relations: The Case of North-South Preferential Trade Agreements.” Journal of International Trade Law and Policy 15 (1): 51-66.