Julian E. Gerez

Julian E. Gerez


The Political Economy of Supply-Side Counternarcotics

Dissertation Review Committee

Research Interest


Julian Gerez is a Ph.D. candidate specializing in comparative politics and quantitative methods, with research interests in the political economy of security and conflict. His research examines criminal and political violence and the state enforcement strategies that respond to these threats, with a particular regional expertise in Latin America. His dissertation examines variations in the implementation of law enforcement through the case of counternarcotics in Colombia, advancing an understanding of public security policies as endogenous to political incentives, and exploring the consequences of this selective enforcement for state capacity, democracy, and development.

Mr. Gerez holds a B.A. in political science from Northwestern University and an M.A. and M.Phil. in political science from Columbia University. His research is supported by an American Political Science Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant and a U.S. Institute of Peace-Minerva Peace & Security Scholar Award.