Important Dates for Graduate Students 2024-2025
Important academic events and deadlines
19: M.A. orientation
19-22: Math Camp
29: Ph.D. orientation
1: Last day to apply for October conferral of the M.A.
1: Last day to submit M.Phil. applications to Graduate Program Coordinator for October degree conferral
1: Last to distribute dissertation in Summer term
3: Fall semester begins; first day of classes
10: Last day to deposit dissertation for October degree conferral
25: Travel grant applications due for conferences occurring between September and December
1: Last day to apply for February conferral of the M.A.
6: Dissertation proposals due to Graduate Program Coordinator
6: Mini-APSA
20: Special minor declarations due (2nd year students) to Graduate Program Coordinator
1: Last day to apply for May conferral of the M.A.
13-15: Written comprehensive exams
16: Last day to distribute dissertation in Fall term
21: Spring semester begins; first day of classes
23: Last day to submit M.Phil. applications to Graduate Program Coordinator for February degree conferral
31: Oral comprehensive exams
31: Deadline for completion of special minors (3rd-year students)
To maintain satisfactory academic progress and continue in the Ph.D. program, students must successfully complete ALL components of both their major and minor field exams no later than the second Friday of classes in the sixth semester of registration (or the date of January orals, whichever comes later).
This deadline applies to minors in traditional subfields, methods, and all special minors, including those requiring a paper and oral defense, or any other format.
This deadline applies to revisions of methods or special minor papers and a second attempt at passing an exam.
Students may continue to take courses upon completing comprehensive exams, and many sixth-semester students take courses required for the M.Phil. throughout the spring semester.
6: Last day to deposit dissertation for February degree conferral
24: Travel grant applications due for conferences occurring between September and December
19: Dissertation proposals due to Graduate Program Coordinator
9: Dissertation development grant applications due to Graduate Program Coordinator
17: Last day to deposit dissertation and also be included in Convocation booklet for May degree conferral
24: Last day to deposit dissertation for May degree conferral
30: Deadline to submit M.Phil. applications to Graduate Program Coordinator for May degree conferral
22: Last day to distribute dissertation in Spring term
27: Travel grant applications due for conferences occurring between May and August